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56th FEIBP-Congress in Brussels / Belgium
from 25-27 September 2014
The 56th FEIBP Congress was held from 25 to 27 September 2014 in Brussels, Belgium. FEIBP President Evert Zuiddam welcomed the delegates, who came from many European countries and guests from Algeria and the United States. All members of National Manufacturers' Associations are also members of the FEIBP and all direct members of the FEIBP were able to take part in the congress.
The working groups Technical/Industrial Brushes (Chair: Dr. Florestan von Boxberg) and Professional Hygiene Brushes (Chair: Philip Coward) as well as Paintbrush Manufacturers (Chair: Alessandro Civiero) met in separate sessions for discussions. In keeping with tradition, some FEIBP member companies gave talks on the current market situation for raw materials: bristles, plant fibers, fine hair and synthetic fibers. The FEIBP had invited two key note speakers to this year's event.
FEIBP treasurer, Dr. Andrea Acquaderni published the FEIBP's 2014 financial report and gave a preview of the year 2015. Daniel Strowitzki (Messe Freiburg) informed about the upcoming "INTERBRUSH" (27-29 April 2016 in Freiburg). There was no FEIBP Innovation Award presentation this year.
The FEIBP had organized a regional evening with beer degustation and a traditional gala dinner on the second evening. Dr. Andrea Acquaderni presented a brief preview of the 57th FEIBP Congress, from 24 to 26 September 2015 in Salento/Italy.
A full review of the 56th FEIBP Congress in Brussels will be published in Brush Scene® Issue 6/2014 (November/December). This issue is available part of an one year’s subscription.