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55th FEIBP-Congress in Copenhagen / Denmark
from 12-14 September 2013
Around 90 delegates from 14 countries and their partners (including some first-time participants) accepted an invitation to this year's FEIBP Congress in Copenhagen. The outgoing FEIBP Präsident Pierre Simler and FEIBP Secretary Fons Ceeleart opened the event, which was also attended by new president of the ABMA Jeffrey Malish and three other guests from the U.S. The conference provided an opportunity to gather valuable information and conduct interesting discussions with industry colleagues. During the two-day BRUSH FORUM some attendees including Zahoransky AG, Pogliani, Borghi SpA., Wöhler Brush Tech, WOMA, Hahl Filaments GmbH, Zahn Pinselmanufakturtooth brush factory, Pennelli Tigre Srl etc. presented their current product line, new product innovations and engineering fields.
Two keynote speakers, Sidsel Jess and Jesper Elling, gave entertaining talks. In keeping with tradition, FEIBP member companies spoke about current market conditions for commodities: bristles, plant fibers, fine hair and synthetic fibres, while machine manufacturers provided information about their companies' latest technical innovations.
The Working Groups Technical Brushes (Chair: Dr. Florestan von Boxberg), Professional Hygiene Brushes (Chair: Philip Coward) and Paint Brushes (Chair: Alessandro Civiero, Pennelli Tigre) met for talks in separate sessions.
FEIBP-treasurer Dr. Andrea Acquaderni published the FEIBP-financial report 2013 und gave a preview of the year 2014.
The results of the elections to the Board of Directors of the FEIBP were as follows:
- FEIBP President: Evert Zuiddam (Netherlands)
- Vice-President Thorsten W. Stollberg (Germany)
- Former FEIBP-President: Pierre Simler (France)
- FEIBP-Treasurer: Dr. Andrea Acquaderni (Italy)
The 7th FEIBP Innovation Award was presented: First prize went to Zahoransky AG for their innovative mechatronic solution "Tuft Control", followed by Pennelli Tigre Srl with their "Mobi Paintbrush Concept". Third prize went to Zahn Pinsel GmbH for their "Grandissimo Big Brush" series.
To conclude the first day of the congress, the delegates met in the evening for a 40-minute boatride followed by dinner in a quaint sea fortress "The Flakfortet, with a view among other things of the Öresund Bridge connecting Copenhagen and Sweden. The traditional gala dinner was held in "Castle Kronborg", a fortress in Elsinore on the Danish island of Zealand, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2000.
FEIBP President Evert Zuiddam gave a brief preview of the 56th FEIBP Congress to be held from 25-27th September 2014 in Brussels/Belgium (organized by the Dutch Brush Manufacturers' Association).
A full review of the 55th FEIBP Congress in Copenhagen will be published in Brush Scene® Issue 5/2013 (September/October), with numerous color photos and technical contributions from companies in the brush industry. This issue is available as part of an one year’s subscription.